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The Spitfire is much more than a vintage aircraft.
It is a Great British icon that symbolises the coming together
of all the Nations of the Commonwealth,
as we stood together in defence of our common human values and freedoms
that transcend culture, religion and gender.
Multi award winning Master Distiller, John Walters has worked his alchemy to create a 1930s retro gin of exceptional quality.
The result is truly extraordinary.
The 1930s were the triumphant heyday for gin, and the decade that saw the birth of a great British and Commonwealth icon:
The Spitfire.
The defender of our freedom to live and love and drink GIN
with whomsoever we choose.
Enjoy Rosemary for Remembrance, Borage for Courage, Blood Orange for the Fallen, Rose Petals for the Ladies of the ATA, along side Almonds, Coriander, Star Anise and Juniper which present a wonderfully aromatic gin.
To best appreciate, serve over crushed ice or, one to one with a twist of orange peel and a simple classic tonic

In January 2016 Ian Hewitt of the Spitfire Heritage Trust
and Dr John Walters started talking Spitfires.
John and Ian were very clear that in paying tribute to the Spitfire one has a responsibility to aim high, to be the best.
Excellence being the prerequisite at every stage.
In order to pay tribute to the Spitfire they had to create one of the finest Gin's and Vodka's in Britain.
Spitfire Heritage Gin's journey starts with the planting of a crop of sugar beat.
We harvest it, take it into our barn and distil once, over a six metre pipe in hand beaten 200 litre copper pot stills.
(To distil two or three times simply means that it was not done properly the first time).
What comes out of the end of the pipe is our silky smooth SUPERMARINE VODKA.
We then take our SUPERMARINE and build our Spitfire.
Adding to our Supermarine, Rosemary for Remembrance, Borage for Courage, Blood Orange for the Fallen, Rose Petals for the ladies of the ATA , alongside Juniper, Star Anise, Coriander and Almonds.
We then distil to create SPITFIRE HERITAGE GIN.
In the Spirit of the Spitfire created to be the best.
are available in RAF Officers Messes and exclusively here.

It took a certain type of Woman to fly the Spitfire
Confident that we had created one of the finest gins in the world, we now needed to create a brand to do it justice.
The 1930’s were the triumphant hey-day for gin, and the decade that saw the Birth of a Great British and Commonwealth icon.
The defender of our freedom to live and love and drink GIN with whomsoever we choose.
It took a certain type of person to fly a Spitfire.
Strong, intelligent, self-assured and a little bit reckless.
That’s why women made such great Spitfire pilots.
In the roaring 20s flapper girls were all the rage,
but in the 30s and 40s young ladies learnt to fly.
Once again we went straight to the top enlisting the help of world renowned aviation illustrator ROMAIN HUGAULT to create our ATA girl character and brand mascot Bunny.
As Spitfire chaps we get involved in all manner of Spitfire projects.
We sent out a Spitfire monument to Lesotho in Southern Africa.
We helped finance a Spitfire Expedition to Norway....
And brought her back!!!
And are now helping to finance the restoration to flight.
read all about our adventure on our Blog.
We continue to immerse ourselves in all manner of
Spitfire related adventures.
You'll find us at air shows, and RAF events
and of course in Officers Messes.
Read our Story and our Blog to find out all about us.
Chin Chin Darlings!

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