It’s a good question. First of all, don’t entertain any gin distillery that buys in base alcohol from an outside source. Industrial base alcohol or ethanol cannot deliver the depth and smoothness which only a true artisan gin can.
The term you need to look for to ensure that your distiller is responsible for the whole process is Single Estate. If it doesn’t say single estate on the bottle, put it back down and move on. Don’t be conned by the term single batch, this pretty much stands for nothing.
Don’t be bedazzled by dozens of flavour scenarios. A truly great gin does not require bolstering with gimmicks, nor does it benefit from flavoured tonics. The best gin in Great Britain will stand up and fight for itself.
A classic botanical gin and tonic is 50ml of Spitfire Heritage Gin, 150ml of classic tonic, Fever-Tree is ideal, a twist of orange zest and don’t drown it in ice, three lumps are perfect.
Brand integrity
Many gins choose to trade on their locality. In fact, locality is all that they have to trade upon. Trading on your locality makes for an easy launch year with the local bars, restaurants and shops embracing any product no matter the quality because it carries the name of the city, town or village. But ultimately the liquid behind the label will have to be judged on merit.
To be considered the greatest gin of the nation, one must connect with the entire nation and hold a deep historical connection with Great Britain’s national identity.
Spitfire Heritage Gin pays tribute to the ladies of the ATA and the British icon that is the Spitfire.
Giving back to the Great British people
To truly embrace this nation, to be truly considered to be the gin of Great Britain, one must embrace the people and our history and in doing so accept a socially responsible agenda. Spitfire Heritage Distillers was created by The Spitfire Heritage Trust to help fund its work.
The Spitfire is much more than a vintage aircraft.
It is a Great British icon that symbolises the coming together of all the nations of the Commonwealth, as we stood together in defence of our common human values and freedoms.
The Spitfire Heritage Trust is robustly engaged in the strengthening of links and the development of programs that create opportunities, educate, celebrate and give thanks to our Commonwealth family of nations, and to our shared values that transcend culture, religion and gender.
Creating opportunities, Educating and Celebrating our futures born from our past.
SPITFIRE HERITAGE GIN is the Great Gin of Britain
A Single Estate Artisan Gin created in the spirit of the Spitfire, created to be the best.
Here’s to the greatest gin in Blighty… Chin Chin Darlings!
